Wednesday, May 5, 2010

From baby-of-Gitika to Ekagra (Krishu)

He was officially nameless and remained baby-of-Gitika for initial some days. But Gitika had already started calling him with probably hundred different nick names.

Before he was born, both Gitika and I shortlisted some names. We bought three books on Indian names of boys and girls. One of these were written by Menaka Gandhi. I don't remember the names of the other two books. We googled for names. Both of us don't believe in astrology. We thought we won't consult astrologers to give our baby a name. Instead we would decide his or her name. We had certain criteria for the name:
  1. It should be a sanskrit name with a nice meaning.
  2. It should not be a commonly used name. (Shout for Manjunath in a moderately crowded place in Bangalore and you'll be surprised if half of the people respond to you:-) )
  3. It shouldn't be a tongue-twisting name (my name Jyotirmoy is kinda tongue-twisting for people from south-India)
  4. It shouldn't be a long name, preferably within three syllable.
On the basis of our criteria, we shortlisted some ten names of a baby boy and some ten names of a girl. We liked the name Ekagra (একাগ্র in Assamese and एकाग्र in Hindi) most for a boy.  Eka in sanskrit and many other Indian languages means one. Ekagra is a sanskrit word which means one-pointed, fixing one's attention on one point. Ekagra is an adjective. The noun form is ekagrata (একাগ্রতা).  It is also used as ekagra-chitta. This was a really unique name.

Our parents consulted some astrologers and they said that the name of the baby should start with kri (কৃ).  Gitika and I decided that we would give his nick name with that. We immediately thought of Krish which is shortened form of Krishna. But Gitika thought Krish was too common a name. So she modified it to Krishu (কৃশু in Assamese and कृशु in Hindi). Both us liked the name Krishu.

When I registered his name at the BBMP office, the official there told me that he knew the meaning of the name. He said it was one of the most unique names he has ever registered in his whole career at the office.

One of our friends blessed him that may he always be ekagra-chitta (single-minded and focused), and may his focus be on excellence, goodness and greatness.  Amen!

Thus baby-of-Gitika became Ekagra (Krishu).


  1. hiii.......liked it a lot....the whole idea of it and basically everything[:)]

  2. and he is so cute...............
